A mixed methods approach to electronic word-of-mouth in the open-market context
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Redistributive fiscal policies and business cycles in emerging economies
Determinants of energy demand in African frontier market economies: An empirical investigation
African stock markets in the midst of the global financial crisis: Recoupling or decoupling?
Insect pollination as a key factor for strawberry physiology and marketable fruit quality
Offshoring and unemployment in a credit-constrained economy
Implementing flexible demand: Real-time price vs. market integration
Open space amenities and residential land use: An Australian perspective
Identifying the next non-stop flying market with a big data approach
Structural labour market reforms in the EU-15: Single-country vs. coordinated counterfactuals
Knowledge-oriented leadership and open innovation: Role of knowledge management capability in France-based multinationals
Optimal return and rebate mechanism in a closed-loop supply chain game
Local Institutional Responses to Global Market Pressures: The Sea Cucumber Trade in Yucatán, Mexico
Simulation of demand growth scenarios in the Colombian electricity market: An integration of system dynamics and dynamic systems
Oil price fluctuations and the small open economies of Southeast Asia: An analysis using vector autoregression with block exogeneity
Financial openness & institutions in developing countries
Design of a framework for the deployment of collaborative independent rare disease-centric registries: Gaucher disease registry model
Auctions for quota: A primer and perspectives for the future
Exploring the staff localization of Taiwanese MNC subsidiaries in China: Effects of size, operation time, location, and local-market focus
The role of backyard farms in two West African urban landscapes
How the interplay between consumer motivations and values influences organic food identity and behavior
Mapping and characterising the urban agricultural landscape of two intermediate-sized Ghanaian cities
Open access and the sovereign commons: A political ecology of pastoral land tenure
Japan's ultimately unaccursed natural resources-financed industrialization
International money supply and real estate risk premium: The case of the London office market
Open innovation and its effects on economic and sustainability innovation performance
Valorisation of fruit and vegetable waste from open markets for the production of 2,3-butanediol
Open innovation model: enabling the market uptake of innovation
Assessment of heavy metals in raw food samples from open markets in two African cities
Do trade and financial openness matter for financial development? Bank-level evidence from emerging market economies
Labor market friction, nominal wage rigidities, and monetary policy in a small open economy
Carriers entry patterns under EU-US open skies agreement
Non-cooperative dynamic games for general insurance markets
Uncertainty-aware demand management of water distribution networks in deregulated energy markets
Do international investors cause stock market spillovers? Comparing responses of cross-listed stocks between accessible and inaccessible markets
Electric power bidding model for practical utility system
Volatility of stock market returns and the naira exchange rate
Near-money premiums, monetary policy, and the integration of money markets: Lessons from deregulation
Information driving force and its application in agent-based modeling
A 12-month longitudinal study of Listeria monocytogenes contamination and persistence in pork retail markets in China
Exchange rate dynamics and stock prices in small open economies: Evidence from Asia-Pacific countries
Competition in Swedish passenger railway: Entry in an open access market and its effect on prices
The role of financial advice and word-of-mouth communication on the association between investor personality and stock trading behavior: Evidence from Chinese stock market
Market price uncertainty, risk aversion and procurement: Combining contracts and open market sourcing alternatives
Effect of temporary open-air markets on the sound environment and acoustic perception based on the crowd density characteristics
Gradual catch up and enduring leadership in the global wine industry
Sector heterogeneity and credit market imperfections in emerging markets
The role of proximity in business model design: Making business models work for those at the bottom of the pyramid
Granularity in banking and growth: Does financial openness matter?
The Determinants of Bond Market Development: Further Evidence from Emerging and Developed Countries
Toward a better understanding of crowdfunding, openness and the consequences for innovation
International stock market leadership and its determinants
Dynamic spillover effects across petroleum spot and futures volatilities, trading volume and open interest
The determinants of Chinese nonferrous metals imports and exports
Bond repurchase objectives and the repurchase method choice
Speculative bubbles in emerging stock markets and macroeconomic factors: A new empirical evidence for Asia and Latin America
Open Access for Rail Passenger Services in Europe: Lesson Learnt from Forerunner Countries
The use of open source internet to analysis and predict stock market trading volume
Designated market makers still matter: Evidence from two natural experiments
Liberalization of a retail electricity market: Consumer satisfaction and household switching behavior in Japan
The effect of managerial overconfidence on the market timing ability and post-buyback performance of open market repurchases
Takeover vulnerability and the credibility of signaling: The case of open-market share repurchases