The value of art in marketing: An emotion-based model of how artworks in ads improve product evaluations
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Timeliness, transparency, and trust: A framework for managing online customer complaints
Digital marketing strategies, online reviews and hotel performance
Future of hospitality marketing and management research
Purchasing and supply management in an industrial marketing perspective
Facilitating dynamic marketing capabilities development for domestic and foreign firms in an emerging economy
From digitization to the age of acceleration: On information technology and tourism
Green marketing orientation: Conceptualization, scale development and validation
A note on budget allocation for market research and advertising
Marketing Research Regarding the Internet Usage Among the Population of the Mures County
Using Marketing Research in Quality of Life Theory and Practice
Examining market entry mode strategies via resource-based and institutional influences: Empirical evidence from a region-within-country economy context
Brand and country-of-origin effect on consumers' decision to purchase luxury products
Applying experimental online auctions in marketing research for multi-channel firms
Marketing Research Traditions: Toward Theoretical Unification or Pluralism?
International marketing research: A global project management perspective
Empirically testing the concept of value-in-behavior and its relevance for social marketing
Predicting consumer variety-seeking through weather data analytics
The influence of greenwashing perception on green purchasing intentions: The mediating role of green word-of-mouth and moderating role of green concern
Analysis of public acceptance of electric vehicles: An empirical study in Shanghai
Service failure and problems: Internal marketing solutions for facing the future
Reputation for technological innovation: Does it actually cohere with innovative activity?
Perceptional components of brand equity: Configuring the Symmetrical and Asymmetrical Paths to brand loyalty and brand purchase intention
Past themes and future trends in medical tourism research: A co-word analysis
The effect of telepresence, social presence and involvement on consumer brand engagement: An empirical study of non-profit organizations
Inside-outside: Using eye-tracking to investigate search-choice processes in the retail environment
Value-based pricing and cognitive biases: An overview for business markets
The use of Geographical Information Systems for Tourism Marketing purposes in Aveiro region (Portugal)
Assessing new correlation-based collaborative filtering approaches for binary market basket data
Marketing strategies of Port Authorities: A multi-dimensional theorisation
The influence of travel agents and tour operators' perspectives on a tourism destination. The case of Portuguese intermediaries on Brazil's image
Ethnic marketing practice and research at the intersection of market and social development: A macro study of the past and present, with a look to the future
When does CEO endorsement of sales & marketing leaders help firms? The role of heavy marketing emphasis
Curiosity motivated vacation destination choice in a reward and variety-seeking perspective
Research trends on Big Data in Marketing: A text mining and topic modeling based literature analysis
How does marketing capability impact abnormal stock returns? The mediating role of growth
Systematic mapping on social media and its relation to business
Subjective social inclusion: A conceptual critique for socially inclusive marketing
Research on Social Marketing Strategies with An Agent-based Propagation Model
Sustainable collaborative marketing governance mechanism for remanufactured products with extended producer responsibility
Endogeneity bias in marketing research: Problem, causes and remedies
Understanding how the functional integration of purchasing and marketing accelerates new product development
Critical meta-analysis of servitization research: Constructing a model-narrative to reveal paradigmatic assumptions
Digital marketing: A framework, review and research agenda
Understanding the sales-marketing interface dysfunction experience in business-to-business firms: A matter of perspective
Understanding the relationship between green approach and marketing innovations tools in the wine sector
Posting from beyond the grave: An autopsy of consumer attitudes toward promotional communication in a posthumous context
Actionable marketing knowledge: A close reading of representation, knowledge and action in market research
A new marketing mix model to rescue the hospitality industry: Evidence from Egypt after the Arab Spring
Ecosystem-based Artefacts as a Source of Loyalty at the French Valley of the Monkeys
Taming polysemous signals: The role of marketing intensity on the relationship between financial leverage and firm performance
Alignments and misalignments of realized marketing strategies with administrative systems: Performance implications
Renew or cancel? Drivers of customer renewal decisions for IT-based service contracts
A framework for attribute selection in marketing using rough computing and formal concept analysis
How small sample size and replication can increase accuracy in experiments: Lessons that marketing may learn from agricultural scientific method
Elements of strategic social media marketing: A holistic framework
Viva la revolution! For evidence-based marketing we strive
Measuring consumer perception of social media marketing activities in e-commerce industry: Scale development & validation
Understanding the dimensions of customer relationships in the hotel and restaurant industries
Top management attention to trade shows and firm performance: A relationship marketing perspective
When marketing and innovation interact: The case of born-global firms
An analytical study to identify and determine the usage frequency of sales and marketing strategies for 5 star hotels in the Antalya region
Participation and resistance: Alternative seafood marketing in a neoliberalera
From innovation to sustainability: Sustainability innovations of eco-friendly hotels in Taiwan

Entrepreneurial marketing of international high-tech business-to-business new ventures: A decision-making process perspective
Tourism destination marketing and information technology in Ghana
Customer reference marketing: Conceptualization, measurement and link to selling performance
Disruptive innovation in low-income contexts: challenges and state-of-the-art national research in marketing
Upstream social marketing strategy: An integrated marketing communications approach
How do marketing, research and development capabilities, and degree of internationalization synergistically affect the innovation performance of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)? A panel data study of Chinese SMEs
The Necessity of Obtaining Information Through Marketing Research in the Field of Pharmaceutical Companies on the Slovak Market ☆