The role of pre-consumption experience in perceived value of retailer brands: Consumers' experience from emerging markets
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Internationalization strategies of emerging market banks: Challenges and opportunities
Forecasting life and career satisfaction in midlife from young adult depressive symptoms
Further evidence on the debate of oil-gas price decoupling: A long memory approach
Skills or networks? Success and fundraising determinants in a low performing venture capital market
Rethinking restructured electricity market design: Lessons learned and future needs
The demand for teacher characteristics in the market for child care: Evidence from a field experiment
Travelling like locals: Market resistance in long-term travel
Linkages between oil price shocks and stock returns revisited
The limits of responsible innovation: Exploring care, vulnerability and precision medicine
Testing for bubbles in the art markets: An empirical investigation
Demographic effects on residential electricity and city gas consumption in the aging society of Japan
Price perception on weights and measures at the local markets of Ghana
Criminalisation and prostitution of migrant women in Turkey: A case study of Ugandan women
Worth the wait? Delay in CEO succession after unplanned CEO departures
A meta-analytic study of the factors driving the purchase of organic food
Demonstration sites to speed up innovations in delta technology
Employment assistance in urban China: A qualitative study from the youth recipients' perspective
Regulatory behaviour under threat of court reversal: Theory and evidence from the Swedish electricity market
Speed isn't everything: A multi-criteria analysis of the broadband consumer experience in the UK
Firm resources, cultural distance and simultaneous international expansion in the retail sector
Internal migration over young adult life courses: Continuities and changes across cohorts in West Germany
Financial constraints, macro-financing environment and post-crisis recovery of firms
Appraising the market for bicycle sharing schemes: Perceived service quality, satisfaction, and behavioural intention in London
Frequency of international expansion through high control market expansion modes and interlocked directorships
Consumer willingness to pay for modern wooden structures: A comparison between China and Japan
On the relationship between consumer-brand identification, brand community, and brand loyalty

The participation society and its inability to correct the failure of market players to deliver adequate service levels in rural areas
Exploring the economic significance of the surf tourism market by experience level
Highly skilled migrants entering the labour market: Experiences and strategies in the contested field of overqualification and skills mismatch
Breaking the mold: An examination of board discretion in female CEO appointments
Lead market learning in the development and diffusion of electric vehicles
An empirical investigation of the factors motivating Japanese repeat consumers to review their shopping experiences
An investigation into the antecedents of prepurchase online search
Beyond conflict: Long-term labour market integration of internally displaced persons in post-socialist countries
First adoption of consumer innovations: Exploring market failure and alleviating factors
The multi-faceted role of experience dealing with policy risk: The impact of intensity and diversity of experiences
Interest rate risk management with debt issues: Evidence from Europe
Pricing, concentration & public policy: The U.S. automobile market
About depression babies and red diaper babies: Do macroeconomic experiences affect everybodys risk taking in the same way?
Internalization theory and the performance of emerging-market multinational enterprises
Housing affordability of university graduates in Guangzhou
Wine travel in the United States: A profile of wine travellers and wine tours
Diversification of risk exposure through country mutual funds under alternative investment opportunities
Herding behavior in the Pakistan stock exchange: Some new insights
Obtaining a better understanding about travel-related purchase intentions among senior users of mobile social network sites
Leaving before bad times: Does the labor market penalize preemptive director resignations?
Does Market Experience Attenuate Risk Aversion? Evidence from Landed Farm Households in Ethiopia
Is accounting an applied discipline? An institutional theory assessment of the value of faculty accounting-related work experience in the academic labor market
SME foreign market entry mode choice and foreign venture performance: The moderating effect of international experience and product adaptation
Experience curve development and cost reduction disaggregation for fuel cell markets in Japan and the US
Knowledge and internationalization of returnee entrepreneurial firms
Stock market scams, shell companies, penny shares, boiler rooms and cold calling: The UK experience
The impact of foreign equity flows on market volatility during politically tranquil and turbulent times: The Egyptian experience
Market maker competition and price efficiency: Evidence from China
Are short-sales constraints binding when there is a centralized lendable securities market? Evidence from Japan
Macroeconomic experiences and risk taking of euro area households
Understanding destination personality through visitors' experience: A cross-cultural perspective

The impact technical and non-technical investors have on the stock market: Evidence from the sentiment extracted from social networks
Smart Community Based Solution for Energy Management
Democracy and market crashes: Evidence from a worldwide panel of countries
Home-ownership and the Labour Market: Evidence from Rental Housing Market Deregulation
Risk premia and ambiguity in an experimental market featuring a long-lived asset
New product adoption and sales performance from the importer perspective
Leaving school in an economic downturn and self-esteem across early and middle adulthood ☆☆☆
On the efficiency of intra-industry information transfers: The dilution of the overreaction anomaly
Shopper marketing: A new challenge for Spanish community pharmacies
Fingolimod in relapsing multiple sclerosis: An integrated analysis of safety findings