Digital marketing strategies, online reviews and hotel performance
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Timeliness, transparency, and trust: A framework for managing online customer complaints
Gender Differences in Modeling the Influence of Online Marketing Communication on Behavioral Intentions ☆
Assessing destination image: An online marketing approach and the case of TripAdvisor
Know who to give: Enhancing the effectiveness of online product sampling
Internet little cigar and cigarillo vendors: Surveillance of sales and marketing practices via website content analysis
When guests trust hosts for their words: Host description and trust in sharing economy
Using online opinion leaders to promote the hedonic and utilitarian value of products and services
Investigating the drivers for social commerce in social media platforms: Importance of trust, social support and the platform perceived usage
Optimizing online recurring promotions for dual-channel retailers: Segmented markets with multiple objectives
The effects of Facebook browsing and usage intensity on impulse purchase in f-commerce
Misreading of consumer dissatisfaction in online product reviews: Writing style as a cause for bias
Relationship quality as an antecedent of customer relationship proneness: A cross-cultural study between Spain and Mexico
Help welcome or not: Understanding consumer shopping motivation in curated fashion retailing
Community engagement and online word of mouth: An empirical investigation
Does online media sequence matter in product marketing?
Children's self-regulation of eating provides no defense against television and online food marketing
Using a spatial hedonic analysis to evaluate the effect of sea view on hotel prices
A Theory of Planned behaviour perspective for investigating the role of trust in consumer purchasing decision related to short food supply chains
Watch Your Tone: How a Brand's Tone of Voice on Social Media Influences Consumer Responses
Cross-national variation in consumers' retail channel selection in a multichannel environment: Evidence from Asia-Pacific countries
Will firm's marketing efforts on owned social media payoff? A quasi-experimental analysis of tourism products
Informational and/or transactional websites: Strategic choices in a distribution channel
A study on the effects of social media marketing activities on brand equity and customer response in the airline industry
The modeling and analysis of the word-of-mouth marketing
Using Visual Design to Improve Customer Perceptions of Online Assortments
Exploring the credibility of online celebrities' Instagram profiles in influencing the purchase decisions of young female users
Bibliometrics of social media research: A co-citation and co-word analysis
Why do online tourists need sellers' ratings? Exploration of the factors affecting regretful tourist e-satisfaction
Online advertising: Analysis of privacy threats and protection approaches
Engaging customers through online participation in social networking sites
Can there be too much of a good thing? The effect of option number on cognitive effort toward online advertisements
Positioning of online gambling and gaming products from a consumer perspective: A blurring of perceived boundaries
The path-to-purchase is paved with digital opportunities: An inventory of shopper-oriented retail technologies
An empirical analysis of factors that influence retail website visit types
Consumer socialization process: The role of age in children's online shopping behavior
A coordination mechanism for optimizing the contingent-free shipping threshold in online retailing
Understanding Interactive Online Advertising: Congruence and Product Involvement in Highly and Lowly Arousing, Skippable Video Ads

Modeling the determinants of consumers' attitudes toward online group buying: Do risks and trusts matters?
The impact of front-of-pack marketing attributes versus nutrition and health information on parents' food choices
Digital marketing: A framework, review and research agenda
Development of joint models for channel, store, and travel mode choice: Grocery shopping in London
A tale of two tools: Reliability and feasibility of social media measurement tools examining e-cigarette twitter mentions
What factors determine e-satisfaction and consumer spending in e-commerce retailing?
Feasibility and reliability of a mobile tool to evaluate exposure to tobacco product marketing and messages using ecological momentary assessment
Engagement With Online Tobacco Marketing and Associations With Tobacco Product Use Among U.S. Youth
Personalized ads on Facebook: An effective marketing tool for online marketers
Online positioning through website service quality: A case of star-rated hotels in Taiwan
The effectiveness of word of mouth in offline and online social networks
Increased conservation marketing effort has major fundraising benefits for even the least popular species
Disclosure of personal data in ecommerce: A cross-national comparison of Estonia and the United States
Anxious attachment, relational embeddedness, trust, co-production, and performance: An empirical study in online business-to-business relationships
Tourism destination marketing and information technology in Ghana
Branding co-creation with members of online brand communities
The interplay between free sampling and word of mouth in the online software market
An empirical study on the influence of economy hotel website quality on online booking intentions
Relationship formation within online brand communities: Bridging the virtual and the real
Second Person Pronouns Enhance Consumer Involvement and Brand Attitude
The negative impact of visual web advertising content on cognitive process: towards quantitative evaluation
Generating trust using Facebook-A study of 5 online apparel brands
A social referral appraising mechanism for the e-marketplace
Business intelligence in online customer textual reviews: Understanding consumer perceptions and influential factors
Linking online niche sales to offline brand conditions
Blog influence and political activism: An emerging and integrative model

Social identity and support for counteracting tobacco company marketing that targets vulnerable populations
Online group buying: Some insights from the business-to-business perspective
Understanding the relationship between green approach and marketing innovations tools in the wine sector
Connecting with prospective medical tourists online: A cross-sectional analysis of private hospital websites promoting medical tourism in India, Malaysia and Thailand