We use a Monte Carlo simulation with many synthetic data sets to compare ratings and choice conjoint analysis in their ability to correctly predict market shares under varying market conditions. Our results provide guidance to researchers seeking to use conjoint analysis for managerial decisions. Our recommendations are quite different from the recommendations of prior researchers who compared conjoint methods using single empirical data sets. Our results indicate that one must, at least roughly, assess the degree of consumers' heterogeneity in preferences, product similarity in the marketplace, typical consumers' choice-rule (probabilistic or deterministic), and magnitude of error in measurement of utilities in order to make a prudent choice between ratings and choice conjoint analysis.
Conjoint analysis is perhaps the most widely applied
method for modeling consumer preferences by marketing
researchers (Wittink and Cattin, 1989; Wittink et al.,
1994). The last 15 years of academic research have
produced a plethora of new conjoint models and parameter
estimation methods (for reviews of various methods see
Green and Srinivasan, 1978, 1990). In fact, academic
research in this area has been so prolific that many more
models and techniques have been proposed by researchers
than have been implemented by practitioners (Carroll and
Green, 1995). The large number of methods that are
available today may even confuse researchers who seek
to apply conjoint analysis because many of the new
methods have claimed superiority over existing methods.
This has resulted in researchers calling for studies to
systematically compare different methods and identify
conditions under which one method outperforms othermethods (Batsell and Louviere, 1991; Carroll and Green,
1995). This is the objective of our research.
A few recent studies have attempted comparisons among
conjoint methods. Elrod et al. (1992) compared the pre-
dictive abilities of ratings (or individualized) conjoint and
choice conjoint (or experimental choice) methods using data
collected from student subjects about their preferences for
hypothetical rental apartments. Oliphant et al. (1992) also
compared the predictive abilities of ratings and choice
conjoint methods using data from recreational vehicle own-
ers about their preferences for a new emergency road service
package to be offered by an insurance company. In both of
these studies, researchers concluded that ratings and choice
conjoint models performed equally well for their data sets.
However, because of each study’s reliance on a single data
set, they were unable to systematically vary market condi-
tions to explore whether one method might perform better
than others under certain conditions. This led Carroll and
Green (1995, p. 388) to conclude that:choice, and latent class models lead to different
market share estimates, and if so, which is better
under which conditions.
Vriens et al. (1996) reported a Monte Carlo simula-
tion with synthetic data sets and compared nine different
metric (ratings) conjoint methods using multiple compar-
ison criteria including predictive accuracy. Due to the
use of multiple simulated data sets, these researchers
were able to vary conditions and investigate the super-
iority of one method over another under different con-
ditions. They concluded that differences in the predictive
accuracy among the nine conjoint methods were small.
However, their study only included metric methods and
ignored the recently developed choice-based conjoint
method (Louviere, 1988a).
Thus, there is a gap in research about systematic
comparison of market share predictions by ratings and
choice conjoint methods under varying conditions. More
importantly, little empirical evidence exists about condi-
tions under which one of these methods recovers market
shares better than the other. This research gap is critical
because the ratings conjoint is the most widely used
method by practitioners, and the choice conjoint repre-
sents one of the important new trends in conjoint
applications (Carroll and Green, 1995). Therefore, it is
important to understand whether the two methods lead to
different market share predictions under varying market
conditions so that users can make prudent choices to use
one method vs. another, depending on the market con-
ditions that characterize a conjoint application. Thus, our
goal is to compare these two methods under a variety of
market conditions and identify specific conditions under
which one method may outperform the other. We
achieve this goal by using a Monte Carlo simulation
with multiple synthetic data sets to capture different
marketplace conditions.
In what follows, we first briefly describe the two
conjoint methods and review previous research that com-
pared these two methods. Based on this review, we
identify three market-related factors (consumers’ hetero-
geneity in preferences, product similarity in the market-
place, and consumers’ choice rule) and two model
formulation-related factors (magnitude and correlation of
errors) that have important effects on the relative perfor-
mance of the two methods. Next, we describe the method
of simulation used in this study based on the five factors
mentioned above. This is followed by our discussion of
the simulation results in which we compare the two
conjoint methods in their abilities to predict market shares
for the different populations. To preview our results, we
find substantial differences in prediction accuracies of
population market shares by the two conjoint methods
under different combinations of the five factors. Finally,
we discuss the implications of our results from both
applied and theoretical perspectives.