Electrification: The nexus between consumer behavior and public policy
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Green purchasing behaviour: A conceptual framework and empirical investigation of Indian consumers
The power of emotional value: Exploring the effects of values on green product consumer choice behavior
Generational perspective on consumer behavior: China's potential outbound tourist market
Relationship between Consumer Behavior and Success of Urban Agriculture
Facebook as a second screen: An influence on sport consumer satisfaction and behavioral intention
Conservatism as a situated identity: Implications for consumer behavior
Self-concept clarity: Exploring its role in consumer behavior
Curiosity generating advertisements and their impact on sport consumer behavior ☆
The use of disliked gifts from a consumer behavior perspective ☆
New consumer behavior: A review of research on eWOM and hotels
Consumer outrage: Emotional reactions to unethical corporate behavior
Let the music play or not: The influence of background music on consumer behavior
Consumer technology traits in determining mobile shopping adoption: An application of the extended theory of planned behavior
Brand and country-of-origin effect on consumers' decision to purchase luxury products
Assessing the impact of recommender agents on on-line consumer unplanned purchase behavior
Mobile phone feature preferences, customer satisfaction and repurchase intent among male users

تاثیر عقاید مصرف کننده بر رفتار خرید آنلاین: تاثیر ویژگی های دموگرافیک(جمعیت شناختی) و ارزش های مصرف
Effect of Consumer Beliefs on Online Purchase Behavior: The Influence of Demographic Characteristics and Consumption Values ☆
A proposed model of online consumer behavior: Assessing the role of gender
Service failure and consumer switching behaviors: Evidence from the insurance industry
Menu price presentation influences on consumer purchase behavior in restaurants
Consumer informedness and diverse consumer purchasing behaviors: Traditional mass-market, trading down, and trading out into the long tail
The evolution of qualitative research in consumer behavior
Gazing behavior reactions of Vietnamese and Austrian consumers to Austrian wafers and their relations to wanting, expected and tasted liking
Exploring pro-environmental food purchasing behaviour: An empirical analysis of Italian consumers
The theory of planned behavior and the norm activation model approach to consumer behavior regarding organic menus
Information privacy, consumer alienation, and lurking behavior in social networking sites
Behaviour change in post-consumer recycling: Applying agent-based modelling in social experiment
A facts panel on corporate social and environmental behavior: Decreasing information asymmetries between producers and consumers through product labeling
The impact of salt reduction on cottage cheese cream dressing rheological behavior and consumer acceptance
Convenience or price orientation? Consumer characteristics influencing food waste behaviour in the context of an emerging country and the impact on future sustainability of the global food sector
A causal relationship model of purchasing behavior of consumers in Thailand regarding processed fish products

Indigenous marketing practices and theories in emerging economies: Consumer behavior and retail transformations in India
Framework for analyzing the effects of packaging on food loss reduction by considering consumer behavior
Consumers' online information adoption behavior: Motives and antecedents of electronic word of mouth communications
An application of theory of planned behavior to predict young Indian consumers' green hotel visit intention
Exploring Chinese consumers' attitude and behavior toward smartphone recycling
A fresh look at understanding Green consumer behavior among young urban Indian consumers through the lens of Theory of Planned Behavior
Retailers beware: On denied product returns and consumer behavior
Consumers' food cycle and household waste. When behaviors matter
Corporate association as antecedents of consumer behaviors: The dynamics of trust within and between industries
Globalization, national identity, biculturalism and consumer behavior: A longitudinal study of Dutch consumers
How the interplay between consumer motivations and values influences organic food identity and behavior
Behaviour change strategies for internet, pornography and gaming addiction: A taxonomy and content analysis of professional and consumer websites
A Theory of Planned behaviour perspective for investigating the role of trust in consumer purchasing decision related to short food supply chains
Exploring consumer purchase intentions towards traceable minced beef and beef steak using the theory of planned behavior
The order effect of advertisers on consumer search behavior in sponsored search markets
Climate change behaviors related to purchase and use of personal cars: Development and validation of eco-socially conscious consumer behavior scale
Consumer behaviour in the residential heating sector in Austria: Findings from a bottom-up modelling approach
Measuring the impact of alcohol multi-buy promotions on consumers' purchase behaviour
Understanding consumer health information-seeking behavior from the perspective of the risk perception attitude framework and social support in mobile social media websites
The impact of informational incentives and social influence on consumer behavior during Alibaba's online shopping carnival
Information provision and consumer behavior: A natural experiment in billing frequency
Consumer behavior with respect to the consumption and recycling of smartphones and tablets: An exploratory study in Portugal
The effect of environmental values and attitudes on consumer willingness to pay more for organic menus: A value-attitude-behavior approach
Beyond likes and tweets: Consumer engagement behavior and movie box office in social media
Why bother about health? A study on the factors that influence health information seeking behaviour among Malaysian healthcare consumers
The associate impact of individual internal experiences and reference groups on buying behavior: A case study of animations, comics, and games consumers
An examination of how source classification impacts credibility and consumer behavior
Tightnessâlooseness: A new framework to understand consumer behavior
What drives consumers' online information search behavior? Evidence from England
Consumer purchase behaviour of foods with added phytosterols in six European countries: Data from a post-launch monitoring survey
Leveraging consumerâs behaviour to promote generic drugs in Italy
Consumer behavior and purchase intention for organic food: A review and research agenda
The impact of instant reward programs and bonus premiums on consumer purchase behavior
Liberalization of a retail electricity market: Consumer satisfaction and household switching behavior in Japan
A comparison of online and offline consumer behaviour: An empirical study on a cinema shopping context
Factors influencing Indian consumers' actual buying behaviour towards organic food products
Behavior-based pricing under imperfectly informed consumers
The effect of the behavior of an average consumer on the public debt dynamics
The compelling urge to misbehave: Do impulse purchases instigate unethical consumer behavior?
Factors influencing buying behaviour of green energy consumer
Chinese consumers food purchasing behaviors and awareness of food safety